We have changed our chiropractic software and the new software includes an awesome patient scheduling app!

If you have not received the personalized link yet, contact Mel by phone, email, or in person to get your personalized link to the software.

The app is available for both Android and Apple phones.

This new app allows you to not only schedule your appointment, it it also allows you to reschedule or cancel your appointments as needed.


You can see all of your upcoming appointments.

You can also check-in on your app when you arrive.

In the near future, you will be able to schedule family members from your app as well. (We don’t know when that will be available…. thanks for your patience)

Please have patience with us during this transition.  You can always just call to make an appointment.

So, contact Mel at (719)475-9103 or or just ask her the next time you come into the office!